Call to submit tenders in the mode of a small-scale contract within the implementation of the project of the contracting authority in the subsidy programme Country For the Future announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and co-financed by the European Union within the NEXT GENERATION EU.
Sponsor: MICRORISC s.r.o.
Address: Průmyslová 1275, 50601 Jičín, Česká republika ID: 25921681
Contract type: Supply of unused (factory new) equipment
Status: ClosedDeadline for submission of tender: 22.12.2023
Place for submission of tender: via E-mail to address cff@microrisc.com
Contact Person: Jan Vašta
E-mail: cff@microrisc.com
Phone: +420 775 969 749
The contractor must not be a member of the research team or another employee of the beneficiary, a public official within the meaning of Section 4c of Act No. 159/2006 Coll., on Conflict of Interest, as amended, or related and partner companies. Please provide a Statement certifying this.