O2 IT Services wants to improve the air quality at schools. Prague students will test the project.

O2 IT Services (O2 ITS), a subsidiary of O2 Czech Republic, is launching together with several partners the pilot project Smart City “Environment – Healthy school” in the area of air quality measurements. O2 ITS is attracting an attention to the issue of the optimal environment at schools and its impact on health and the focus of students and teachers. The project was launched in Frebruary this year and will last several months.


Testing operation took place at Smíchovská Secondary School (SSPŠ), which is due to its structure and location ideal for testing in harsh city environment and dense urban traffic. Another advantage is that it is a technically oriented school that wants to use the results of measurements in the context of vocational education.

“We would like to use the project ‘Healthy School’ to open a discussion about quality of urban environment and its impact on our health. We believe that innovative technologies can significantly contribute to its improvement,” said Václav Provazník, Managing Director of O2 IT Services.

“By participating in the project, we expect not only to improve the quality of indoor environment for our students and school staff, but we also appreciate the possibility of involving students in measurements and experiments. Practical experience with new technologies, which can students obtain thanks to O2 ITS, are the most valuable,” added Radko Sáblík, the director of SSPŠ.

How does it work

The subject of the pilot project are long-term measurements of the internal environment in selected classrooms and the external environment beyond the walls of the school in the direction to the street and the courtyard. The ten classes are equipped with sensors that continuously measure the level of contamination of indoor air by the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, the relative humidity and the temperature. There are also two sensors placed at the school to measure the level of external air pollution via dust particles. Finally, there are several places in front of the school windows, where the noise is measured as well. There will be many experiments during the pilot project to verify impact of those actions on changes of the internal environment at the school.

Individual sensors transmit 24 hour a day real time data (temperature, CO2 levels, humidity, etc.) to an internal O2 ITS system, which make it possible to track the current climate in classrooms at any time. At the same time, selected students record specific information about events in the classroom, e.g. time or number of students. Thanks to this data it will be possible to analyse in detail the results of measurements and provide specific recommendations.

Project benefits

After the end of the pilot project, O2 IT Services will perform an analysis together with other partners of the project. This analysis will describe a relationship between the level of pollution of internal and external environment and specific situations at the school. The analysis will help to prepare individual steps how to control different situations in the area of environment during the time when students and teachers are in the building. Another benefit is the verification of the technology and determining the required number of components for smart environmental management in buildings.

Project partners

The project includes following technology companies that deal with the environment and smart city:

PROTRONIX s.r.o. - provided the sensors to monitor indoor air quality. The sensor measures the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) at a resolution of up to 5000 ppm, temperature and relative humidity.

CAMEA, spol. s r.o. – installed two sensors on the school building in the direction to street and courtyard for fully automatic monitoring of external air pollution, the sensors measure dust particles and the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in the air and also temperature, humidity and air pressure.

IQRF Alliance s.r.o. - linked various industrial partners and academic institutions utilizing the IQRF wireless technology as a communication platform. Companies O2, Protronix and MICRORISC are the members of the IQRF Alliance.

MICRORISC s.r.o. – provided the IQRF data transceivers forming a transmission system that ensures wireless transmission of sensor data.

Ochrana životního prostředí, s.r.o. - performs accredited measurements. Provided a sound sensor for the project that will continuously measure and record the equivalent sound pressure level at various places in front of the school windows.

More on www.o2its.cz and www.smartcity.cz

About O2 IT Services

O2 IT Services, a 100% subsidiary and a member of the O2 Czech Republic a.s. group, is an expert in information technology. The portfolio consists of IT/business consulting, system integration, application development and managed services development, operation services and optimization of IT and IT security solutions.

O2 IT Services appropriately combines standardized solutions for IT products and customized solutions. Thanks to the use of standardized building block of IT services they are not only easily adaptable to customer requirements, but also repeatable – without need to build new solution from scratch. Customers of O2 IT Services always receive the optimal model, which brings them a significant added value, increasing their effectiveness and enables them to dynamically adapt to changing needs.

Autor: Adéla Slezáková v kategorii IQRF news,

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